Currently only 5% of climate finance are spend on adaptation, while staggering 95% are spent on mitigation. This mismatch needs to be balanced immediately as Antonio Guterres stated clearly during the climate adaptation summit in January 2021. To cope with the increasingly manifesting climate events a strong shift in capital flows towards adaptation needs to happen now. Scale for Resilience aims to facilitate this shift by unlocking capital towards Nature-based Solutions for the most vulnerable: smallholder farmers and rural communities.
Until 2030 we aim to make 3.000.000 farmers more resilient – we achieve this by knowledge creation, capacity building and access to finance.
Making smallholder farmers more resilient is particularly important for several reasons: In Western Africa alone more than 60% of the population depend directly or indirectly on smallholder farmer units for food security and income generation, while this number is estimated to be 70% in Latin America and the Caribbean. At the same time smallholder farmers are among the most vulnerable to climate change effects. Degrading ecosystems and a growing population put pressure on the productivity and reliability of smallholder food systems. Nature-based solutions [link to “Scaling NbS”] are a cost-efficient way to tackle many of these challenges.
Scale for Resilience aims to create access to Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and enable the conditions and mechanisms to finance them. It does so by addressing the full financial value chain: it unites investors, (Micro-)Financial institutions as well facilitating institutions, like research centers and technology providers. The goal of the initiative is to leverage ICT solutions for the assessment and reporting of smallholder’s productive needs in the context of climate change and address them by financing suitable Nature-based Solutions.
Nature-based solutions are cost-effective measures to increase resilience and productivity.
Our community of practice aims to increase the knowledge of climate solutions and, based thereon, the funding for them.
The financial sector faces a key opportunity to build resilient communities around the world. Digital monitoring, reporting, and evaluation systems provide the basis to learn how to adapt best in a local context. To increase resilience where it is needed most.
Scale for Resilience thereby seeks to address three key barriers that prevent scaling up of financing for adaptation and resilience, as identified by the Global Commission on Adaptation:
Insufficient availability and adoption of climate risks data and tools
Perceived lack of profitable investments
Perceived low commercial readiness of adaptation and resilient solutions
The goal of the initiative is to leverage digital solutions for the assessment and reporting of smallholder’s productive needs in the context of climate change and address them by financing suitable Nature-based Solutions.
To do so, we address the full financial value chain and provide the ground to channel financing to Nature-based Solutions for smallholders.
Goals we support are:
- The use of suitable digital tools to foster structured data gathering and reduce complexity,
- the systematical lowering of financial barriers for smallholder farmers by promoting site-specific comprehensive and holistic Nature-based Adaptation value propositions,
the establishment standardized metrics to facilitate reporting,
the verification of green Microcredits on the ground,
the development of green credit products financing NbS,
the development of green refinancing products to stimulate the financing possibilities for NbS,
- fostering knowledge and capacity on NbS and their right use, so they can unfold their full potential for productivity and resilience.