Our Initiative aims to make smallholder farmers around the world more resilient, by leveraging the benefits of Nature-based Solutions (NbS). To achieve this, “Scale for Resilience” addresses all parts of the financial value chain and seeks to create the conditions to finance NbS on a large scale by promoting digital tools.
We pledge to make 3.000.000 Smallholder farmers and rural communities more resilient by 2030.

Achieving climate resilience of rural communities depend on all of us.
Rural communities are the basis of our food systems so we need to act now. In CCAFS, we have developed science-based methods and tools to inform investments, policies and business models that support climate finance for adaptation.
We are convinced that financial institutions, at local and regional scales, have a crucial role to play in facilitating the implementation of climate-smart agriculture at a large-scale. Science and action need to work together to build resilience and improve farmers‘ livelihoods, diversify their incomes, and enhance adaptation to climate change.
Latin American Regional Leader of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Latin American Regional Leader of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)